Vision Statement  (What we aspire to do)

To glorify Jesus Christ and to increase the word of God so the number of disciples will multiply.   Acts 6:7; Matt. 28:18-20; Rev. 15:4


Mission Statement  (How we live so we will achieve our vision)

To be a gathering of believers who steadfastly devote ourselves to the Scriptures, to fellowship, to Communion, and to prayer so we will be equipped to do the work of the ministry.     Acts 2:42;Eph. 4:12


Core Values  (Practices that guide us toward fulfilling our vision)

1.   Word Centered: The confidence and hope of our church is built on God and on the power of His Word alone.  We believe that by preaching biblical passages in an expository fashion and exegetically from within their own historical and grammatical contexts that faithful applications can then be made from those texts for believers today.  We also believe that for disciples to reach their full potential in Christ, a systematic, verse-by-verse, book-by-book teaching method through the Bible must be ongoingly facilitated. It’s not programs or schemes that we put our trust in, but it’s the power of God’s Word that we believe changes lives and grows the influence of God’s Kingdom.  
Acts 6:7; Romans 10:17; Isaiah 55:11


2.  Love Focused: All people are valuable to God.  In sending Jesus Christ to earth to redeem us from sin, God proved His love by providing a way of salvation for us.  Following the Lord’s example, we as His church also find value in all people and, we too, accept and love them despite where they currently may be in their spiritual journey.  As Christians sharing life together, we likewise seek to love one another and unify around the Lord Jesus who gave so much so that we could be saved, set free, and redeemed.  
Romans 5:8; 2 Peter 3:9; Mark 12:30-31; John 13:35


3.  Servant Minded: The conviction of our church leadership is that the believers we lead in the church do not exist to serve us, but rather, we are called to serve and lay our lives down for those believers.  As Christians, both our leaders and congregation alike, are called under those they lead and share life with.  By following the example of Jesus, our leaders and congregation are devoted to being proactive in finding tangible ways to love and serve one another and our neighbors.  
John 13:1-17; John 15:13; Mark 12:31; Matthew 20:28


4.  Purpose-Filled Gatherings: Purposeful and worship-filled gatherings are paramount to our church’s health and purposes.  We must gather well if we are to scatter well and if we are going to be salt and light in our community and world. In our gatherings, no matter what form they take, we prioritize the teaching of God’s Word, fellowship, prayer, and the partaking of the Lord’s supper.  This simple and biblical focus creates in us a body of believers who respond to God in worship and who are eager to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with others.
Acts 2:42-47; Matthew 5:13-16


5.  Edifying Fellowship:  The gathering and fellowshipping of believers must both remain venues where believers are continually being refreshed and built up so that they can be effective in the world as disciples when they scatter.  Likewise, we don’t allow programs to take priority over our people. If programs become burdensome, we remove them or rethink them before our people burn out.  
Hebrews 10:24-25; Colossians 3:16; Ephesians 4:12-16


6.  Spirit-Equipped Ministries: New programs or ministries not fulfilling the four priorities of Acts 2:42, as in our gatherings, are not initiated by church leadership, but rather, are initiated by the Holy Spirit. We believe that when Jesus, the Head of the Body of Christ, wants to do something, He will communicate directly to the members of the Body through the Holy Spirit. We encourage each member of our church to listen to the Lord and respond to the works and ministries that He calls them to. Our elders then pray for and support those who the Lord himself tasks. We likewise rely on the Holy Spirit for the empowerment of those of us that he calls to service, and we believe he will equip us thoroughly to accomplish those tasks that he has called us to.
Matthew 16:18; Colossians 1:17-18; Acts 6:1-4


7.  Harvest Driven: Harvesting souls for the kingdom of God is a work ordained by Jesus who the Bible calls the Lord of the Harvest. As workers of the harvest, we are stewards of the Lord’s mission of redemption. We encourage all members of our church to partner with the Lord by using their own gifts, talents, and resources to spread the Good News. We also recognize that the fruit of our ministries and efforts, whether corporately or individually, should be left to the Lord. We don’t look at numbers of attendance for validation or worth, but we remain faithful to our calling as workers to spread the gospel and to do the good works the Lord has reserved for us.
Matthew 9:38; Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Acts 2:47; 1 Corinthians 3:7

We are a Member of the Christian Missionary & Alliance

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